Speaking with a woman yesterday who got completely off her blood pressure medications inside of three months and with the use of Valor, Aroma Seize and Peace and Calming has been medication free for over a year.
Can I just say the OILS ARE WORKING for us ! I will never sleep without my Peace and Calming Oil...and won't leave the house without applying Cedarwood and Valor which for the first time in my life have helped me control my ADD. Yes there I said it ! The Frankincense which enables me to control my tremor is the reason I became a wholesale buyer and you can too on the website http://www.oilforliving.com
I have to say when I first get the scanner I was getting it for my own selfish reasons, my mid life (or just after) crises. Trying to stay young forever and more than anything simply wanting to feel healthy and good everyday.
Could this scanner be the magic bullet???
Helping friends scan themselves and using the recommended oils has been a real eye opener. I was especially amazed when I was scanning my daughter and she was in need of inner defense and thieves and eucalyptus but felt fine. The next day she woke with a chest cold.....THE SCANNER DOES NOT LIE !
Do yourself a favor, get the Zyto Scan, get some oils and get off the other the counter medications that are destroying your liver, your life and your health . I have inserted some links for you for the scanner, our face book page and website for the oils....enjoy life !
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