Saturday, June 1, 2013

Thieves- My go to oil for colds !

It was 2 nights ago woke up at 3 a.m to find my pillow very wet.   Oh no, my nose is running....I wished I had kept up with my Thieves oil now.   I was feeling so good I had just stopped using it.    The next morning when I woke up my head was throbbing and my sinuses were full ....YUK !   I emailed my friend who initially told me about the oils and asked "any recommendations?  I can't be sick".   

1 drop of Thieves and 1 drop of Immu Power on the bottom of your each foot every 45 minutes or so and rest.  I did rest and was grateful I could rest that day. 
I followed the protocol as well as putting the peppermint oil on my temples to get rid of my headache.  That worked and it was gone in about 10 minutes  

The next day I was on my feet and feeling much better and truly thankful I had not put any chemicals into my body.    No co- pays, no chemicals that I'm feeling good I am writing this note to drop a day !!!