Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Essential Oils- Nature's
 drops for better life !

An essential oil is a volatile aromatic liquid that is generally distilled from the stems, leaves , flowers, roots, bark or seeds of a plant.   Essential oils are highly concentrated and far more potent than dried herbs.  

The science for using essential oils is commonly known as aromatherapy.   This science is used for psychological and physical well being.  For best results, only pure and natural essential  oils should be used. 

Essential oils can be used in many different ways.  The English model advocates massage by diluting a small amount of essential oil in a vegetable oil and then massaging the body for the purpose of relaxation and relieving stress. 

The French model includes both ingestion and undiluted topical application.  The French believe that taking the oils internally produces the best benefit.  A common way to ingest the oil is to add a few drops to honey, a piece of bread , or in a small drop of vegetable oil.   CAUTION:  Only Therapeutic Essential Oils should be ingested, check the labeling. 

The German model focuses on inhalation.   The effect of fragrance on the sense of smell can exert a strong effect on the brain and limbic system.   Research has shown that some sesential oils can increase oxygenation and activity in the brain.  By using a combination of all three models the use of essential oils can be versatile and powerful.  Essential oils can be therapeutically beneficial, enhance emotional outlook and help to achieve balance.    You can purchase essential oils at www.oilforliving.com .Collapse this post

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