Monday, April 29, 2013

Hunger Hormone Accelerates Weight Loss
Leptin is a hormone produced in the brain that plays a key role in regulating energy intake and energy expenditure and affects appetite and metabolism: two factors in weight management. Leptin not only helps with appetite, but reduces stress: a major contributor to obesity. Stress leads to cortisol build-up and this triggers a demand for food and an increased risk of heart attack and stroke.
When discussing leptin, Dr. Steven Heymsfield, a professor of medicine at Columbia University said, "This hunger hormone has far-reaching physiological effects on both food intake and caloric burning. In the absence of leptin, the brain never receives the message that the body has sufficient food, believing it to be in a constant state of starvation." - Interview with Dr. Heymsfield, ABC News, Aug 7, 2011
Essential oils help release leptin in the body
Just as Clove oil will numb teeth and gums, the essential oil of Vanilla found in Young Living's Slique™ Tea and Stress Away roll-on numbs your propensity for food. Sipping Slique™ Tea, inhaling its fragrance helps to satisfy food cravings.
Another delicious way to numb the craving center of the brain is to place a drop of Stress Away oil blend in a cup of warm water; inhale its intoxicating aroma and sip. Stress Away is a series of complex aromas which promote the production of Leptin.
Essential Oil of Black Pepper also encourages the release of Leptin in the brain.
Fragrance of Ecuadoran Chocolate promotes weight loss
The aroma of chocolate is another brain activator that helps reduce food cravings. Chocolate in its most natural, holistic form is the Ecuadoran Cacao, a centerpiece aroma in Slique™ Tea. Engaging the sense of smell is the best way to silence those nagging hunger pangs because, "The sense of smell is the body's natural access to the brain's satiety center." - Dr. Alan Hirsch, M.D.
Young Living's Ningxia Red nutrient infusion drink has been found to increase body thermogenics (the ability to burn fat). Magnify your results by drinking the Slique™ Tea before snacks and meals and Ningxia Red afterwards. This creates a powerful, natural body incentive to release excess pounds.
Again, thank you for your interest and please feel free to contact me with any other relevant questions you might have.
Thomas Gildea
Young Living Independent Distributor
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