Saturday, June 22, 2013

Are you Pregnant or a New Mother ??? LOOK- Oils for Mom and Baby

Whether you having a baby or a new mom, our Essential Oils will be your best friend.   From baby massages to stretch marks there is something in our oils just for you and your little one.   
Look at the many benefits below, ask questions or Click here to order !

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

My wife never listens but I have the cure....

Essential oils to the rescue -Get your oils here

My wife has once again eaten popcorn.  She really should never eat with her medical history but she has been feeling so good lately that when we went to see Superman she caved and had some. 

We'll pain in her side began and by the end of the day she looked ready to deliver.  

This morning I used the Zyto Scan to scan her and see just show accurate it would be.    Here is what she scanned for :

Young Living  - Copaiba Essential Oil- 2 drops in a capsule 3 x a day or apply topically to affected area.

Copaiba is a powerful essential oil from South America that has traditionally been used to aid digestion and support the body's natural response to injury or irritation. Copaiba contains the highest amounts of beta caryophyllene (55 percent) of any known essential oil.
Truly I was amazed at the accuracy.   I was also grateful we had ordered some of this oil to deal with my shoulder surgery pain.  
We put 2 drops in a capsule with an eyedropper a few moments ago, now lets see how see responds.....stay tuned !